Compassion Aids Healing

  • Compassion Aids Healing

    When Dr. Kent Brantly, left Emory University Hospital after being cured of Ebola, he said, “I’m thrilled to be alive, to be well, and to be reunited with my family.  You treated me with such expertise, yet with such tenderness and compassion.  I will never forget you and all that you have done for me.”  He then hugged each member of the team.  The physician in charge of his medical care team, Dr. Bruce Ribner, noted that the hugging was meant to send a message, “It was a vivid reminder that the clinical aspect of care is vital, but we must also acknowledge the abiding value of compassion.”

    Compassion motivated Dr. Brantly to serve as a medical missionary with Samaritan’s Purse in Liberia where he contracted the deadly Ebola virus. Compassion and aggressive “supportive care” were critical factors in his recovery at Emory Hospital.

     Emory Compassion

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