How did Corbilina Begin?


fairy dustCorbilina began as my imaginary friend Corby when I was 4 years old. As the 3rd daughter in a family of 4 girls, I wanted a friend who would follow my directions – not tell me what to do! I would talk to Corby and included her in all of my activities – even held open the door for her to come into the house. We had many fun times together. When I found “real” playmates, Corby disappeared. I told my mother she got on the bus and went to the town 20 miles away. My imaginary friend was magical!

Corbilina reappeared as Corby to my 2 ½ year old daughter when she chose that name for a new doll she received when her brother was born. I had never told her about my imaginary friend Corby. She pretended the doll Corby was her baby. It was magical!

When I became a grandmother with 3 granddaughters and a grandson who lived far away, I wished I could spend more time with these children. The only way I could make this happen on a regular basis was to use my imagination and write stories about me and the children. Corby became Corbilina and it was magical!